Inauguration and Scholarship Ceremony held
On 16 September 2015, Inauguration and scholarship ceremony was organized for the new students of fall semesters 2015 and scholarship for spring semester 2015. During the ceremony all the new students were present and also staffs from different departments. The ceremony started with a welcome speech by prof. Shi Guandda, party secretary and officiating dean of International Education College (IEC). Staff from each department introduced themselves and explained the rules and their working procedures. Later, certificates were awarded to scholarship awardees. 186 students received the scholarship award in various categories like gold, silver, bronze, progressive study etc.
Every semester scholarship ceremony is organized to award the students for their excellent academic performance and volunteer work. The other main reason for this is to encourage the students to study hard as well as be socially active.
The ceremony ended after a group picture with all the new students, awardees and guest present in the ceremony.
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